"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
The Empowering Value Fund
The fund was created to support a variety of community intiatives from Women's Issues to supporting the Disabled Community.
The Fund is managed by Stefanie Ricchio CPA and is funded directly from products and services sold.
Every time we work together we are putting resources in the hands of those who need it most.
How Can We Work Together? ConnectFEATURED IN:

Working Together to Create Impact
Every time we work together, we also empower marginalized communities to gain choice, influence and control over their own lives, health and finances through the tireless and fruitful work of The Empowering Value Fund.
To date, the EV Fund has donated to over a dozen national charities and established a scholarship fund with York University in Toronto for students with Learning Disabilities.
Let's work together and continue to educate, empower and support.
Who We Support (+many more):

Award for Students with Learning Disabilities
Students are near and dear to my heart, as both a prior educator in Post-Secondary and as a Mother.
This award was created in honor of the incredible students in the neurodivergent community who need our support in their acamedic journey.
When we work together, these awards continue to be possible.
Apply for the Award
I'm Stefanie Ricchio CPA, CGA
I'm a Toronto based CPA who works with businesses looking to automate their business systems and implement the latest digital solutions to grow and scale their businesses.
I am also is a Financial Literacy advocate working with charities and organizations across Canada to support Canadians in understanding finance and tax. You may have seen me around as TurboTax Spokesperson for Tax Year 2023.
Now I use what I've learned over 25+ years to help people just like you find financial freedom but making the best financial decisions. I’ll show you how to track and follow your money, and make it work better for you!

"Stefanie has provided expertise in creating materials that have helped Canadians with disabilities access much needed guidance in ensuring they are receiving the benefits required to increase their quality of life, to programming for women entrepreneurs that have helped them to better understand their business. Stefanie has used her personal and professional experience to create education that has helped thousands of Canadians on a better prosperous path. "
- Li Zhang, CPA Canada

"We are grateful that Stefanie continues to help many Canadians by sharing her expertise on disability tax."
- Tierra Pawluk, CPA BC

"Stefanie's work is helping to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for disabled individuals in Canada, fostering a society that recognizes and supports the diverse challenges faced by families with disabled children"
- Alicia Smith, Dyslexia Canada
EasyTracker Finance Tool
Remember, a percentage of sales are allocated to the EV Fund and put into community programs!
You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Financial Future?
This is your solution to track your business income, expense, and profit! It is time to take control and not wait for tax time! You’ll learn how to:
- Track Income, Expense & Gross Profit in easy to follow Dashboards.
- Spot the trends immediately, take action early.
- Use your monthly checklist to keep you on track and up to date!
Own your finances, make smart money moves!