Getting Started with QBO
Learn How To Keep And Maintain QuickBooks Records For Perfect Accuracy
Access Your 43 page guide to get started with Quickbooks Online.
- Includes Company Setup
- Entering Standard Transactions
- Bonus: QBO Shortcuts
- Bonus: Sample Chart of Accounts
Own your finances, make smart money moves!

What You Will Learn...
How To Set Up A QuickBooks Online Account
- Navigating the Interface
- Creating Customer Invoices
- Paying Bills
- Connecting Your Bank for easy reconciliation
- Review Financial Reports in real-time!
I'm Stefanie Ricchio CPA, CGA
I'm a Toronto based CPA who works with businesses looking to automate their business systems and implement the latest digital solutions to grow and scale their businesses.
I am also is a Financial Literacy advocate working with charities and organizations across Canada to support Canadians in understanding finance and tax. You may have seen me around as TurboTax Spokesperson for Tax Year 2023.
Now I use what I've learned over 25+ years to help people just like you find financial freedom but making the best financial decisions. I’ll show you how to track and follow your money, and make it work better for you!

Who We Work With: