TheĀ  Blog

Here you will findĀ a collection of my writings on business, career, leadership and finance.

Quick & Dirty Update - Federal Budget 2024 canadian tax canadians Apr 17, 2024

Many Canadians don't follow the tabling of the Federal Budget closely, but really should.

Sharing a high-level summary of some of the key changes that may impact a larger base of Canadians.

I like...

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Your Tax Year 2023 Checklist - Canada canada tax changes canadian tax cra tax tax season Feb 21, 2024

Get Ready for Tax Season with this handy checklist! 

I thought it would be great to give you a guide to get your tax planning started. Below you will find the most common Income,...
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What's New for 2021 - Canadian Taxes canadian tax Feb 21, 2022

Stay up to date with the latest for your Canadian tax return for 2021

Here are the some of the changes specific to COVID that you should be aware of:

COVID-19 benefit repayment - If you repaid all...

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